Valesco Successfully Exits Investment In allgoods, LLC

2015 Was a Hallmark Year for Valesco as We Completed 3 New Investments and 3 Add-On Acquisitions As Well As Added 3 New Members To Our Team. To Cap Off The Year End, We are Pleased to Announce That We Successfully Exited Our Investment in allgoods in Late December

Jan 08, 2016

During our hold period, allgoods expanded its product offerings, made a strategic acquisition, and nearly doubled earnings in a short period of time. The investment in allgoods is a continuation of a proven strategy that centers around partnering with strong management teams who have a passion for continuing to grow and improve their businesses.

Founded in 1994, Dallas based Valesco Industries invests subordinated debt and equity in lower middle-market businesses throughout the United States. Valesco is a flexible partner, investing in both majority and minority positions for internal growth, acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, management buyouts and recapitalizations with particular focus on manufacturing, value-added distribution, and business services.

Please contact Patrick Floeck at (214) 393-2532 if Valesco may be of assistance to you or your clients.

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